Sunday, February 26, 2012

Feb 9 St Apolonia's Day

inside Sta Cruz Church
I attended the mass for St Apolonia with my good friend Dr F. Capellan at Sta Cruz Church. On my way to the Plaza Sta Cruz, there were motorcade with banners from the Philippine Dental Association and its affliate chapters.  It's only appropriate that February is Oral Health Month in honor of our patron saint.

I was dumbfounded by the turnout of dentists at Sta Cruz Church and the mass was held at the main chapel to accomodate the people. After the mass, there were snack given and time to a little chit-chat.

Last year there were only a handful of dentists (approximate less than 100) who attended the mass and it was held at the upper room of the church auxillary building. I said to myself what a pity but grateful for the dentists who celebrated St Apolonia's day. Thanks to Dr Barba and her team, she made this possible. This will be her legacy. I was not able to ask her what they requested from the congress. 

Anyway, It was nice to see familiar faces. I saw my old MCU schoolmate Dr Mel Dazo (I forgot his first name -sorry) , my surgery batchmate Dr Johnny P and Dr. Jonathan V, the ;  Dr Steph (congrats, 2012 Pres Fil-Chi) and Dr Barba (2011Manila Dental Society Pres).   

Talaga naman this was a wonderful day.  I wish that all dentists could attend this mass held every year  (Feb 9) at Sta Cruz Church. Whatever their denomination, everybody is invited. 

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Smile Maker said...
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