Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Igñacio de Loyola

"For the greater glory of God" This is San Ignacio de Loyola's main principle which became the Jesuit's motto: "Ad maiorem Dei gloriam".  His Spiritual Exercises which he wrote in a cave near the town of Manresa as he practiced asceticism ( is an exercise of self-denial from worldly pleasure to attain spiritual discipline) was printed in 1548. San Ignacio de Loyola died in July 31, 1556 (460 years ago), beatified on July 27, 1609. It is only fitting to honor him with this moving and beautifully made  film by Paolo Dy and done justice by Andreas Muñoz for his portrayal of Capitan Iñigo (Ignacio de Loyola). 

To Note: He was vigorous in opposing the Protestant Reformation during his time. He is venerated as the patron saint of Catholic soldiers here in our country ' the Military Ordinariate of the Philippines'. 

Andreas Muñoz, me, my sister Eve at Solaire Theatre

the director Paolo Dy and actor Andreas Muñoz
