Saturday, July 12, 2008

Making A Difference In God's Glory

I've been busy this week because of the Kiddie Health Talk . We (at clinic department) have to prepare a presentation for the nursery and kindergarten 1 & 2 of Manila Patriotic School. Of course we had invited the parents of the school children to educate them as well as to inform them of the basic health care needs of their kids especially their dental health.
Remember I'm a newly hired school dentist (started Jan 10,2008) at this school which is also my alma matter up to grade 3 till I transferred to Hope Christian High School and it's my first time to make this presentation to these children so I want to give them something since they are all adorable. They would visit me in my clinic just to say hi or they would just open their mouth and show me their teeth even though there's nothing wrong with their mouth. I'm glad they are not scared of me (for being their dentist). I want them to have a good head start with regard to their dental health and what better way is to introduce to them a good product.
'Making a Difference in God's Glory' is the company motto of LAMOIYAN CORPORATION maker of HAPEE TOOTHPASTE. I can attest that they are really true to their words. Since I wanted to make the school children of MANILA PATRIOTIC SCHOOL happy on this event, I asked a good friend & colleague of mine (Dr. Abigail Chang) and her brother (Mr. Arvin Chang) to personally send my letter of request to Dr. CECILIO PEDRO, owner of Lamoiyan Corp., who goes to the same church with them. Even the secretaries of Mr. Pedro, sila Ms Elena Roque and Alma played an important role. I call them my angels. Thank you guys especially to you, Dr. Pedro for making the kids hapee talaga !
So by July 11 (friday) Dr Hidalgo (Physician) , Nurse Janet and I made our presentation and luckily the kids did not sleep and also the parents. Pati mga sin sang (the teachers) and Dr Chen, the principal of Manila Patriotic School di natulog. Overall i would say it was a success. Judging by the reaction of some of the parents and teachers, they were saying to me 'ah ganoon pala iyon para sa baby ko.' I'm so happy they learned a lot from my lecture. When I was making my report in my powerpoint my focus is the parent, kasi they have to make this toothbrushing fun for their kids as well as time to bond with them. Dental care starts at infancy not later.
Now that's making a difference in God's glory. Pahiram muna ng motto mo Dr. Pedro.

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