Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Manila Patriotic School

I'm the new school dentist of Manila Patriotic School, it's my alma mater (nursery to grade 3 only then transfered to another school). Though it's a small school, it has withstand the test of time. Established in 1912, they have the best preparatory chinese school. I started this january 2008 and so far so good. I love the whackinest of the school children. On my second day of work as I was checking on some of the nursery pupils, a lot of them were asking so many questions. Their inquiries are endearing and very funny. There was this young girl who would talk to me while i was checking on her classmates. Janet, the school nurse would tell her to behave but she won't stop chatting to me until she was asked to wait outside. I find her funny, entertaining and yes talkative. I went to see the pre-schooler and elementary student's school play (Feb 6) their chinese new year show, I really enjoyed the show especially since I met some of the students. A lot of the students are mestiza (mix filipino and chinese parents) so I can relate to them. I really like it to be part of this institution again. Wish that my school would gain more recognition in the future.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.